Bucket List

·         Appear on the front page of a newspaper
·         Ask myself for a raise
·         Attend a baseball game at every Major League park (Visited Metrodome, Target Field)
·         Attend a high school reunion
·         Attend a MLB game (Many years ago and multiple times)
·         Attend a show at the Grand Ole Opry
·         Attend a title fight in Las Vegas
·         Attend a Triple Crown Race
·         Attend a World Series game
·         Attend an NCAA Final Four Tournament
·         Attend Mardi Gras
·         Attend my child/children’s college graduations
·         Attend Oktoberfest in Germany
·         Attend the Academy Awards
·         Attend the birth of a grandchild
·         Attend the Country Music Awards
·         Attend the Inauguration of a President
·         Attend the Kentucky Derby
·         Attend the Super Bowl
·         Be a great dad
·         Be a guest on the radio
·         Be a landlord
·         Be happily married
·         Be happy
·         Be in a major magazine
·         Be in a time/financial position to help others
·         Be interviewed by the media (April-ish, 2010)
·         Be my ideal weight (Hit it in 2010, obviously ongoing)
·         Be my own boss
·         Be on television (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004)
·         Be recognized on the street by a stranger
·         Become a net-worth millionaire
·         Become an expert on a subject based on this statement: “If you read from 30 to 50 books in a particular subject you become an international expert in that area of knowledge.(2 on financial literacy, 1 on motivation)
·         Become and stay debt free.
·         Become financially stable and independent
·         Become proficient at piano, guitar, and bass guitar
·         Become Scuba certified
·         Bike across an entire state.
·         Brew my own beer
·         Build a cabin
·         Catch a home run at a baseball game
·         Celebrate at my children’s weddings
·         Celebrate my 25th wedding anniversary
·         Celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary
·         Celebrate New Year’s Eve in Times Square
·         Circumnavigate the globe without flying.
·         Climb a mountain
·         Climb to the top of a volcano
·         Complete a marathon
·         Cross the Golden Gate Bridge
·         Design my own home
·         Dine at the Eiffel Tower
·         Donate blood regularly
·         Donate time/money to cancer research
·         Drink a bottle of wine that’s more than 50 years old
·         Drink ale in a pub in England
·         Drink beer in Germany
·         Drink something with an umbrella in it in Hawaii (Summer, 2010)
·         Drive a Bentley (Summer 2009)
·         Drive a Ferrari (Summer 2010)
·         Drive a Lamborghini
·         Drive a Porsche (Summer 2009)
·         Drive a Rolls Royce (Summer 2010)
·         Drive across America, Coast-to-Coast
·         Drive the Autobahn
·         Drive the Gulf Coast Highway
·         Drive Up Pike’s Peak (Summer 2009)
·         Earn a 6-figure income
·         Earn a Bachelor’s Degree
·         Eat a bratwurst in Germany
·         Eat a bug (Spring 2009)
·         Eat a fish I caught myself (Many times over the years…)
·         Eat a hot dog in Chicago
·         Eat Chinese food in China
·         Eat chocolate in Switzerland
·         Eat crab in Baltimore
·         Eat crepes in France
·         Eat fish and chips in London
·         Eat pasta in Italy
·         Eat Pastry in France
·         Eat strudel in Germany
·         Eat tortillas in Mexico
·         Find a meaningful retirement project
·         Finish my own basement
·         Fire a machine gun
·         Fix my own car when all but the most serious things go wrong
·         Fly first class
·         Fly in Air Force One
·         Get a 4.0 for one semester in college
·         Get a tattoo
·         Get certified at CPR (2004, need to be re-certified)
·         Give an award acceptance speech
·         Go back to Hawaii at least once
·         Go on a cruise
·         Go on family vacations with my own family
·         Go to a luau in Hawaii (Summer 2010)
·         Go to the Country Music Hall of Fame
·         Go to the Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame
·         Guest lecture at a university
·         Have a second honeymoon
·         Have at least one child
·         Help my grandchildren through college
·         Hike in Alaska
·         Hike in Colorado
·         Jet ski
·         Kayak
·         Know someone famous
·         Landscape my yard
·         Learn a foreign language
·         Learn to bartend
·         Lengthen my attention span
·         Live alone for a time
·         Live in a place I love (Minnesota, my whole life so far)
·         Live in a small town (Prior Lake is pretty small, but I want to experience smaller)
·         Live in Colorado
·         Live in Hawaii
·         Live in Montana
·         Live in the middle of nowhere
·         Live somewhere that’s warm year-round
·         Live somewhere with seasons
·         Live the 10 Commandments
·         Make exercise a regular habit
·         Make the Dean’s List
·         Meet a billionaire
·         Meet a famous baseball player/coach (Multiples including Blyleven, Mauer, Cuddyer, Coomer, and others)
·         Meet a famous basketball player/coach (Kevin Garnett and others)
·         Meet a famous football player/coach (Erin Henderson, Visanthe Shiancoe)
·         Meet a famous hockey player/coach
·         Meet a famous person (not sports-related)
·         Meet a US president
·         Own season tickets for the Vikings
·         Parasail
·         Pay for a car in cash
·         Pay my children through college
·         Pay off my mortgage
·         Pick a date and abstain from alcohol from that point forward
·         Publish a piece in a magazine
·         Publish a poem (Spring 2010)
·         Register as an organ donor (April, 2007)
·         Renovate an old house
·         Retire
·         Re-visit D.C. and all memorials and museums
·         Revisit Deacon Lake, Wyoming
·         Revisit the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington
·         Ride a bull
·         Ride in a limo (A few years ago…trip to FL)
·         Rock climb
·         Run a 10K
·         Run for a political office and win
·         Save a year’s reserve of money
·         Save enough in my retirement fund to live off the interest
·         Save someone’s life
·         Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef
·         Scuba in the Bahamas
·         See a birth
·         See a bullfight
·         See a meteor shower
·         See a space shuttle or rocket launch
·         See a total eclipse of the moon
·         See a total eclipse of the sun
·         See Eiffel Tower
·         See Ground Zero
·         See my kids become successful
·         See Northern Lights
·         See Sistine Chapel Ceiling
·         Set up a college scholarship
·         Shake hands with a world leader
·         Sit in the first row behind the dugout (First St. Paul Saints game, a number of years ago)
·         Spend minimum 2 weeks in Europe
·         Study scripture daily
·         Surf (Summer 2010)
·         Surf in Hawaii (Summer 2010)
·         Swim in the Atlantic (Many years ago, trip to FL)
·         Swim in the Pacific (A few years ago, trip to CA)
·         Take a year off
·         Tour a Penitentiary
·         Tour an old concentration camp
·         Tour Gettysburg
·         Tour the FBI Building
·         Tour the White House (Spring 2004)
·         Visit a Tropical Island (Hawaii, Summer 2010)
·         Visit Alcatraz
·         Visit all 50 states and D.C. [28/51 (States: AL, AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID,  IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NM, ND, NV, NH, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WI, WY)]
·         Visit Area 51
·         Visit Australia
·         Visit Buckingham Palace
·         Visit Camp David
·         Visit Ireland
·         Visit Mt. Cadillac, Bar Harbor
·         Visit Pearl Harbor (Summer 2010)
·         Visit the Bahamas
·         Visit the baseball hall of fame in Cooperstown
·         Visit the Caribbean
·         Visit the football hall of fame
·         Visit the Grassy Knoll where JFK was shot
·         Visit the Great Wall of China
·         Visit the Hollywood Walk of Fame
·         Visit the Pyramids in Egypt
·         Walk my daughter/daughters down the aisle
·         Walk the Pentagon Circumference
·         Walk through Central Park, NYC
·         Watch changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace
·         Water ski barefoot
·         Win a writing award
·         Win an award for poetry
·         Write a book