

A woman walked out of her shop one day. She sat down at the bus stop just outside, next to a man who had been there quite a while. She knew he was headed nowhere, so she spoke to him alone there, trying to bring his problems into light. She said,

“I can see the sadness in your eyes,
Such sadness,” she said.
“What's causing this sadness within
Your eyes, my friend?
Have you had your heart broken?”
“No, not my heart,
Only a high school crush, long-forgotten,
many years ago.”
“Have you lost someone dear?”
“Not for multiple years.”
“So why the sadness,
the hurt,
the pain in those bright blue eyes?”
He said,

“I'm a traveler of this world,
I see firsthand how life swirls.
I've see life and death and ev’rything in between.
I see joy and I see suffering
I see hatred and some loving
But the one thing that I have yet to see
Is someone
Who truly loves

At this, she was shocked. She had seen this man around town with his wife, child, and friends, and they all got along very well. She just couldn’t see how this man, who had a wonderful family and friends, could possibly say he hadn’t been loved! She said,

“Now you know that's crazy!
Your friends, wife, and baby
all look at you with those adoring eyes.
If love is not within them,
they're good at keeping hidden
their true selves
way down deep inside.”
And he replied,

“I'm a traveler of the world,
See firsthand how this life swirls.
I've seen hope and despair,
jealousy so green.
My family loves my money,
my friends so cruel, ‘cause Honey,
the one thing I have yet to see
Is someone who truly loves


© 2007-2011 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author.

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