
Killin' Me

I hear ya cryin’
In the bedroom down the hall
Told you I wouldn’t leave you
Said I’d never let you fall

And now you’re seein’
That bastard inside of me
But honey, you don’t seem to realize
As much as this hurts you,
God, It’s killin’ me.

Loved you with all my heart
But life was movin’ just too fast
Wanted to live wild and crazy
Get out with my friends and just get smashed

And now you’re seein’
That bastard inside of me
But honey, you don’t seem to realize
As much as it’s hurtin’ you,
God, it’s killin’ me.

We were gonna get married,
Get a cabin on a lake.
Live the simple life,
Give back all we take.
But now I’m tearin’ us apart
Cause I don’t know what else to do
But honey, as much as it’s hurtin’ you…

And now you’re seein’
That bastard inside of me
But honey, you don’t seem to realize
As much as it’s hurtin’ you,
Yeah, as much as it’s hurtin’ you,
As much as it’s hurtin’ you,

It’s killin’ me.

© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author


Letter To Me


Here are some instructions for you.  They should do a pretty good job covering you from 3rd grade to the present day.  These will make your life infinitely easier.

3rd Grade: Open up more.  I know starting the new school is scary, but the people in your class really are good people.  Find that group of friends and stick with 'em.  Eventually you'll be friends with all 17 in your class anyway.  Don't take abuse from anyone.  Also, at some point, you're going to get into a bit of trouble...nothing major, but you'll get through it and you'll learn a valuable lesson.

4th Grade: Keep doin' what you're doin' and work harder than you ever think you need to.

5th Grade: First day of class...your arm is broken.  Go to the doctor.  Keep your head down in Mr. Z's class.  He may be tough and strict, but you're going to end up respecting him more than almost anybody else by the time you finish at BLS.  Get out of the procrastination habit.  Don't be bummed you made the C team...you're part of something special, both for you and the school.  And for God's sake, stay away from those women....You don't need that crap yet.

6th-8th Grade: Same stuff as before...don't procrastinate, work hard, and stay out of trouble.  Basketball is going to be a great experience; stick with it.  D.C., too, will be amazing.  Don't take sides, but be available to listen.  You'll be glad you did.

9th Grade: Another new school and this one is HUGE.  You won't make friends quickly, but the ones you do make will stick with you for a long time.  Make sure to go to Sadies when she asks you.  Won't be the best time of your life, but you'll learn TONS from it and the situation after it.  Play basketball, this is CRITICAL to shape who you know.  Stick with baseball too...you've played since 2nd grade and school ball is a lot of fun.  When you can't get that guy in Shakopee out, throw the curve ball.  Robbie won't know what's coming, it'll be hilarious, and it'll be a story to tell for years afterward.  Take icing your arm and stretching VERY seriously in sports.  Also, your leg is broken; go to the doctor.  Finally, each of those girls you like (there's multiple), go for it.  More lessons that you'll need later.

Summer after 9th Grade: Get that job.  Won't be a ton of fun, but this too, is critical to your future.  Summer won't be that fun overall, but things get better.

10th Grade: I won't lie, this will be the best year of your life that I've experienced.  Don't write off the rich Montana douche, he plays in huge later.  Don't bother with basketball unless you've been practicing a LOT.  In November/December, you know who you really like...look inside and then ASK HER.  Don't be hesitant because of previous discussions.  This will be your last year of school baseball...take care of yourself so you can throw three or four years down the road.  You'll miss it.  When you take your driver's test, CHECK WHAT GEAR YOU'RE IN WHILE PARALLEL PARKING!

11th Grade: Not a lot of advice for this year.  Keep working hard and not procrastinating (but you should still be in that habit from 4th grade, right? HA).  When you start writing, keep with it.  Cherish the time you have in Mr. L's English class.  He's gone after this year.  Go to prom.  She'll be a big figure later in life as well.

Senior Year:  Work hard but spend as much time with friends as humanly possible.  St. Patty's day will be awesome, but you'll be scared for a day or two afterwards, and for a hilarious reason.  Take your time deciding what you want to do and where to go to school.  This is one time my advice might make a major change to the course of your life. 

College: Take it easy on the drinking.  You don't really like the bars that much anyway.  Make friends and talk to people as much as possible.  Work 10x harder than you think you need to.  STUDY!  Go to the hospital with her.  It means a lot to her and her family.  She'll want you to go to the concert...still don't know if I made the right decision, but it was a good concert.  Breaking up will hurt, and you're still working through the after-effects.  I'm sure it'll clear up soon enough.

General Advice:  Start saving when you start working; you'll thank yourself.  HURT will be huge for you...listen to them constantly.  Keep in touch with your country music roots.  Keep in touch with friends...many won't make the effort so you'll have to.  Mom and Dad are right most of the time.  When in doubt, trust them.  Go for the girl.  You'll learn something important with each and every one.  Go to every dance you possibly can.  No tobacco or drugs.  Learn guitar and start with acoustic, NOT bass.  Vikings still haven't won the Super Bowl and 1998 and 2000 will be brutal.  Twins haven't won yet either, but Target Field is amazing.  KG is gone from the 'Wolves, who are now one of the worst teams in the NBA.  Breaking up or getting rejected always hurts, there's no way around it.  It's still worth the time with that girl.  No matter what, don't give up.  You can and will make it through.  After all, I'm still around to write this, am I not?

-Me...or You in 2010

© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author



I watched Green Street Hooligans for the second time in my life tonight.  It may be the pumping testosterone (it's a badass movie) but it got me thinking about fights and sports, but most of all, about the brotherhood, the unconditional "I got your back" mentality that these guys live by.  Don't get me wrong, I would do anything for my friends, especially my brothers, but I'm not sure even we have a bond this tight.  The guys in Hooligans literally die for each other, without question, and again, I'd like to say that for me and my brothers too, but I can't know for sure until I'm in that situation.  These guys know that they're going out and putting their life on the line every match and, often, more often than that.

Where is that brotherhood today??  Obviously, it's not with the women of our society.  No offense ladies, but with all the backstabbing and bitching most of you do, even with your best friends...well, that's not exactly risking your life for each other unconditionally.  It's not with us guys though, either.  Like I said, love my friends to death, but we don't seem to have the same connection.  Maybe it's the distance, maybe it's differing plans pulling us apart slightly, maybe it's jealousy between us, maybe it's just me taking it for granted because these guys have been behind me for so long.

Whatever it is, guys, I'm calling for a true guys' night.  I want a night where we get our LITTLE clan together (not everyone and their brother for this night), watch Hooligans, Boondock Saints, or both, maybe while drinkin' a few brews, then actually go out and DO something.  Let's get in a fight and beat the shit out of those guys we always hated, let's go joyriding or wander somewhere and make asses of ourselves.  Let's do something besides sitting around with our heads up our asses, playing video games.  Let's go pick up some women and have a good time (harmless flirting, simmer down Misses Palagi and Young), let's DO SOMETHING.  I love you guys like my brothers.  There's nothing wrong with what we have now, but why not strengthen the bond?

© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author

Disclaimer:  The author does not promote or endorse cheating on significant others, drinking and driving, underage drinking, getting in fights of questionable legality or anything else illegal.  He simply writes from the heart, without a censor or filter.  If you're under 21, don't drink.  If you are 21, don't drink and drive.  If you have sex, use a condom, don't be promiscuous.


Changes in Sight

Sun shining
Wind at my back
Nothing able to take me aback
Facing the day
Smirk on my face
Skip in my step
Life is blank without some pep
Then something happens
Can't really say what
All of a sudden
My mood has been cut
I frown at a smile
Grunt at a "Hi"
Now wishing life would just

© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author


Like nothing else is
the Silence
between two People who
are on their way
to fail a Test.

© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author  



Haven't written in a while
Losing sense of words and style
Lots of thoughts running through my mind
Don't know why, just can't decide
Need to narrow it down to one

© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author


My Fault

 I'm sorry you lost all your money, I'm sorry your car was at the other end of the lot, I'm sorry you have a gambling addiction.

I'm sorry your mind runs continuous circles, I'm sorry you worry about everything, I'm sorry you can’t control your thoughts.

I'm sorry I work the opposite shift as you, I'm sorry I have a girlfriend I want to spend time with while I still can, I'm sorry my parents still control my life.

I'm sorry you spend all your money on your car, I'm sorry you screwed up your school registration, I'm sorry you have to be a parent for your siblings.

I'm sorry you can’t handle the stress of being a manager, I'm sorry things don’t always run as smoothly as you’d like, I'm sorry I’m not ready to step up and be the leader you want me to be.

I'm sorry I had to work late and don’t want to get up early, I'm sorry your recent purchase makes no sense, I'm sorry I’m not always happy.

It's all my fault.

© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author



Flying down a deserted, windy county road, windows open, dash lights dimmed or off.  People may say this is one of the risky behaviors young adults are known for, the actions that prove 14-25 year olds think they are invincible, unable to be touched, even if the tires begin to squeal or the body of the vehicle tips dangerously to one side around a turn.  Now add in a focus that is more on the landscape bathed in pale moonlight than the road and an emotional song or silence from the radio.  All of a sudden, this seemingly happy-go-lucky reckless joyride by the young adult has a more sinister feel to it.  The final piece to the “puzzle” is the “Who cares?” or “I wonder what would happen if…” mindset that some people experience when things aren’t going right in life.  All of a sudden, this joyride that seemed so incidental and characteristic of an age group has turned into a cold, calculated semi-suicide attempt.

Semi-suicide attempts can take many forms, many not involving vehicles.  A college student goes to the bars to drink away that memory of a girl and decides to see just how much his body can handle.  A girl doesn’t even like cigarettes, but smokes a pack a day or more, knowing that they kill, but needing the control over her life.  A “pimp,” a “legend,” even, sleeps with multiple girls every weekend, sometimes using safety measures, sometimes not, caring more about the immediate pleasure and his reputation than what and STD or AIDS may do to his life.

Yes, teenagers and young adults can be reckless for the fun of it, because they like the adrenaline rush.  But many, many more perform reckless actions because of the control it gives them.  These actions allow them to control what they are doing to themselves with the knowledge that with one fell swoop, they could take complete control over everything and end everything.  They don’t necessarily want to kill or injure themselves but if things in life get a little too out of hand, it’s easy enough to turn that semi-suicide attempt into a true suicide attempt.

Depression is under-diagnosed across all ages, races, and cultures, but one of the worst groups is young adults because of their ability and tendency to be more reckless and free with their actions.  Adults, being more “mature” and contemplative of their actions, typically don’t commit semi-suicide attempts because it takes time in many cases and they have many other things to think about.  Young adults, generally being much more self-centered, think mainly of themselves and do things on a whim instead of weighing pros and cons.

If you ever catch yourself committing a semi-suicide attempt, a true suicide attempt, having depressive, suicidal, or death-filled thoughts, or if you just need or want to talk about anything, PLEASE talk to someone.  My close friends as well as a few others know that I’m always willing to talk through problems in an unbiased, logical way.  At the very least, it’ll help you get your thoughts straight.  If you don’t have my phone number, you can reach me at j_tauer@hotmail.com or contact me on Facebook.  We can talk through either of those or I can give you my number so we can talk or text.  If you do have my number, texting is the best way to get ahold of me and we can figure out the best way to communicate from there.  The only times I’m not available are when I’m working or in class…and even that’s not always true.  Feel free to contact me, no matter how well we know each other, whether we’ve never met or talked, or if you’re my best friend.

*Note: I am in no way, shape, or form happy with this post.  It has many issues and is missing many of the ideas I meant to include.  It started off as part of “Disorganized” but grew into a separate piece.  This is much better, but still nowhere near what I want it to be or what I expect from myself.  I’m sorry to disappoint.  Like “Disorganized,” I hope to be able to come back to this piece and re-write and re-master it.

© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author


People claim that young adults ages 16-25 suffer from a sense of invincibility. They do anything they want, not realizing or caring about the long-term consequences, seeking only the short-term high or adrenaline rush and worrying about any problems that come later. Young people haven’t seen enough of life or experienced enough death and hard times to realize the true implications of their actions. In some situations, this is certainly true. After all, to every stereotype, there has to be a grain of truth or it never would have been created and attributed in the first place. However, I also know for a fact that much risk taking for a good many young adults is not simply because of the adrenaline high, but because of something much larger and much scarier.

Young adults often have problems dealing with life issues that come up because many have never had to worry about anything more than keeping their parents happy and keeping their grades up. A few have to deal with things like their parents’ divorce or deaths in their family. When real life hits, however, many young adults are unprepared to deal with what is coming to them. For the first time in their lives, many young adults are on their own with only their peers to help them discover ways of fixing life’s problems. Unfortunately, those peers are dealing with their own problems and often have similar or worse solutions for dealing with them. In steps the “reckless behavior.”

Mental disorders affect an estimated 1/4 of the population in any given year and approximately 8 million of those cases are depression. Depression affects approximately 10-15% of children and adolescents ages 14-25.

*Note: I am in no way, shape or form happy with this post. It’s disorganized, has many grammatical issues, and includes few of the thoughts I meant to include. Unfortunately, my inspiration left me for the night and I must give up on it. Hopefully I will someday be able to come back to this and re-write and re-master it.


© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author



I live in Des Moines, Iowa, 250 miles and 3 ½ hours from Prior Lake, Minnesota, where I grew up, for 8 months out of the year. That leaves only 3 extremely busy months over the summer and 1 month during the winter for me to spend time in the town that housed my childhood. For many people at Drake, Des Moines has become their new home, the place they would rather be if they got to choose. However, as I drove home tonight, listening to Kenny Chesney with my window rolled down, breathing in the cool, clean air, laden only with the smell of bonfires all around the area, I couldn’t help but think that, after 8 months, I’ve finally come home.

“Home” has a very different definition to each individual person. As I mentioned, many people at Drake feel their new home is Des Moines, the place where they spend the vast majority of their year and a common place to meet and hang out with all of their new—and sometimes old—friends. For a close friend of mine, home is where he grew up, where he feels most at home, the place he loves, and, unfortunately for me and a few others close to him, it’s a place that’s 17 hours away from where we met him and spent all of our time together. For another friend of mine, home is a place she’s been to many times, but never truly lived. It’s somewhat more of an idea than a geographic place. She has a sort of template with guidelines for where she feels most at home, but she has never actually resided in that setting for more than a week or two at a time.

As for me, “home” is much more general, and abstract. Home is the place I go when I get tired of the bustle and stress of school, work, or general life problems. When I go home, I feel welcomed, and loved. People know me by name and genuinely care about me and how I’m doing, how my life is going. I know that, no matter what’s going right or wrong, no matter what happens to me, I can go home and someone will always be there to support me and help me, whether friends or family. Home is not just the house in which I live for 4 months out of the year or the dorm I spend 8 months in; my home moves to wherever my friends or family are together. I can be “at home” in my house, my friends’ houses, on a boat, at a bonfire, in a car…anywhere, really. Time spent in a certain location only affects the location of my home in the sense that more time spent there equates to more time strengthening bonds with people who define and create my home. I could live anywhere for any amount of time, but if I don’t create and strengthen bonds with people close to me, I will never be able to consider that place my home.

So, to all you Prior Lake/Savagers out there, take this as a compliment, most likely one of the highest you will ever receive from me. Never have I felt so “at home” as when I came home to all of you.

Written 5/27/2010...from within my home

© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author


Morning Practice

In my mind, there are few things better than early morning baseball practice during the spring and into the summer: getting up at 6 or 7 in the morning, before the rest of the world regains consciousness, taking a short warm-up run in the cool crisp air with the warm sun enveloping me, dew gently splashing around my cleats and socks. Standing on the mound, just me and my catcher, tossing the ball back and forth, the leather of our gloves snapping sharply against the quiet backdrop of birds in the trees just beyond the outfield fence. A dog barks as its owner lets it outside to enjoy the beautiful summer morning. People begin to appear alone or in pairs, going for leisurely walks or bike rides through the park, pausing for a moment to watch the team practice.

As I begin to settle into a rhythm, I hear the ping of a gleaming black Demarini CF3, fresh out of its wrappings, spraying batting practice pitches throughout the outfield, the fielders competing to make spectacular diving plays, just so they have an excuse to slide through the dew and cool off.

By now, it’s mid-morning, the day is rapidly warming up and many of the players have shed their outer jackets, leaving them in three-quarter-length sleeves or t-shirts. Children can be heard playing on the playground equipment on the other side of the complex, their parents watching from the shelter nearby. Soon, a coach calls everyone to the infield and we take positions to play out a mini-scrimmage. Passersby stop and take a seat in the bleachers as we toss the ball around, turning double plays with ease and practicing our first-and-third situations.

Far too soon, midday hits and temperatures skyrocket. Coach pulls out a hose and has us carefully clear a hillside of any rocks and debris. Soon the water from the hose makes the grass slick enough to form a natural slip-and-slide and we each take turns practicing our headfirst dives. After a few slides each, 15 soaked baseball players jump in the bed of a few trucks or stretch out in the grass to air dry and enjoy another gloriously hot summer day, just waiting for the next early-morning practice to get announced.


© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author


Saving Society

For a long time I’ve said that political correctness is going much too far. For far too long, we have allowed society to censor us and overprotect us, making the up-and-coming teenagers and kids some of the most over-sensitive, sheltered, and spoiled people in history. Parents have lost the ability to say “no,” the willpower and toughness to actually count to 3 and follow through with a consequence, and the legal right to swat their kid across the ass when they misbehave.

For too long, I have had to check over both shoulders before I make a comment for fear of being sued or shanked. I have (or had) a freedom of speech at one point too, and I Want It Back.

Therefore, as the generation next in line to inherit this world, I think we need to make a list of things we need to do in order to save our society, and then follow through. See it as a form of civil disobedience except, instead of fighting unjust laws; we’re fighting what is wrong in society.

I’ll start the list here and possibly a few other places and keep it updated. Post any ideas you may have and if you successfully do something to further the cause, tell us the story!

Saving Society To-do
•Re-instate spanking for disciplinary use. I was spanked as a child and even swatted with a wooden spoon once and I know many of my friends were as well. All of us turned out fine.
•Toughen up on the people around you. We may not have tough lives in the suburbs but Daddy not buying you a car, iPod, phone, etc. is NOT a reason to throw a temper tantrum. Punishment: one swift backhand. If “Daddy” comments persist, especially with any mention of legal action, follow up with more backhands until the whiner shuts up.
•Tell whatever jokes you want, wherever you want, around whomever you want. If questioned, tell them that you thought the First Amendment applied to all citizens, not just minorities.
oI take no responsibility for any bodily injury, up to and including death, which may befall you due to following this list.

I have a feeling this will not be well-accepted and I will receive a bit of criticism for this, people saying I can’t do this, it’s insensitive. To them, I say this:
Fuck. You. I can say what I damn please because I live in the greatest country in the world. My rights are in writing, included in the Constitution of the United States of America and it is sealed with the blood that has been shed to protect my right to say and do these things. You don’t like how we run things here? GET THE HELL OUT.


© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author


In Another Life

A question was posed to me the other night that really made me think. “Have you ever wished you could go back and relive your whole life differently?” Because I was chatting with this person, I had to be fairly quick so I generated a somewhat generic, though truthful, response. I said something along the lines of “Yes, but only if I could get back to this point because I’m happy with where I am for the most part.”

As my recurring insomnia kept me up that night, I began to consider what things I would change in my past and where it would put me now. Many of my decisions would change my current life status drastically. I would probably be friends with very different people, my relationship history would be vastly changed, and I would probably be in a different city or state right now. I would erase a lot of pain and hardship, I would avoid situations and lies that got me in a LOT of trouble, etc, etc. Many of these changed aspects would seem to make my life much better and much easier, especially if I had multiple chances to perfect my decisions and choices. I may have found the perfect college for me, may have a lot more money, possibly even my own decent car, I might have a better GPA through high school and college…the possibilities for positives are limitless.

However, after I had entertained this “fantasy” for a while, I also realized three other things were limitless: the number of decisions I could change, the number of “what ifs” that come from each and every decision, and the number of things that could go horribly wrong. I could have dropped out of school, found a very wrong set of friends, gotten into drugs, missed out on relationships, friendly and romantic alike…the list goes on forever. I had to ask myself, am I willing to put myself at risk of losing my dear friends, family, reputation, future?

Personally, I have to say “no.” I simply can’t put all that at risk. It’s a very human behavior to ask “what if?” to look back, to doubt and wonder. But as bad as anyone’s life is, would any person who seriously considers the ramifications be willing to risk everything they have? I know I can’t…I have too much to lose. What do you think?


© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author


Love To Love You

Laying with you beneath the stars
Away from all the cities and lights and cars
Wond’ring why you’ve been hiding from me
I love you for who you are
No one else seems to see what I see
For you’re the most beautiful girl in the world to me

I could never understand
How you picked me to be your man
But I know now how lucky I am
You’re the best that there is
And I dread the thought that I miss
Spending every day with you

Oh, how can it be true
That I’m lucky enough to have you?
Sure, I love my sports,
Yes, I love my friends.
But something else I know is true:
I sure do love to love you

Looking ten years down the road,
I pray I can still call you my own
No matter what they say about love,
Of you I just can’t get enough
A love like ours will last forever

Oh, how can it be true
That I’m lucky enough to have you?
Sure, I love my sports,
Yes, I love my friends,
But something else I know is true:
I sure do love to love you


© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author



Why do we give our Presidents so much respect? All they do is spend a ton of money, look good, and make up the most believable, widely accepted lies.

"You're just saying that because you don't like Obama."

Not at all. This applies to all presidents. They spend tons of money on campaigns, and lie to our faces yet we still practically worship them the moment they get elected and sworn in. I don't know about you, but when someone lies to me, I lose a lot of respect for them that they have to EARN back. Yet presidents lie about their policies all the time and we still see them as some higher power. For once, why doesn't someone stand up and say "Hey, you lying, wasteful law school graduate (for that's all most of them are), do something PRODUCTIVE with my tax money instead of sitting on your ass and wasting it away in programs that don't work and approving bills more full of pork barrel projects (which totaled approximately $19.6 billion in 2009) than actual laws and reforms. THEN maybe I'll respect you."

And why don't we, as citizens, take things into our own hands once in a while? I do not promote violence as a method, but why don't we do something more than show our displeasure through polls that simply serve to show the president what points he needs to make in his speeches to make us temporarily happy (see: Obama's State of the Union, January 2010)? People need to stop being so lazy and apathetic about our government and write to their Senators and Representatives. That is, after all, what they are there for. They are elected to serve their constituents, aka you and me. The moment they stop doing that, they should be voted out of office. As John Adams said,

"Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it."

Everyone talks about reforms in the government, especially Congressional reforms, but who is going to start those? Surely you don't think that Congressmen and Congresswomen are going to put restraints on themselves? No, they need pressure and the only people who are not part of the huge scheme are you and me. The President can talk big, but he's not going to do anything to truly tick off Congress. The Supreme Court can only act AFTER the U.S. has gotten the shaft. And Congress...well, we've all seen how effective they are at doing things they don't like.

We can't push this off any longer. Too many of us young voters still think things are going to be fixed for us by the time we "grow up" to be 30 or 40 and the governmental rot will simply disappear. Guess what. Our parents and grandparents did the same thing. Sure, they protested occasionally but they did nothing to actively fix the problems. They just put a bigger band-aid on a growing, infected wound. We need to stop this deadly cycle and we need to do it by being active in the government and knowing the issues. We need to get out and vote EVERY election day, EVERY year. Reform is not going to come from the top and tumble downwards. It needs to start at the very bottom: in our cities, towns, and schools. It needs to grow up to the state positions in the State Legislatures and the Governors. And finally, it needs to hit Congress and the Presidency. The people who are inheriting this country need to become active in its preservation and healing.

To steal another quote from another former president, John F. Kennedy is famous for saying, "And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." Don't wait around for the government to give you what you want through there twisted method of lies, schemes, and waste. Become active. Find out what YOU can do to help our country.

That is, of course, unless you want to inherit a $50 trillion debt by the time any of us can become Senators or President. (Data is most recent found, based on the year 2030, http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=118239)


© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author


Life Moves On

Lonely mind, bloodshot eyes
He’d always been told “real men don’t cry”
But why?
He’d discovered it was a healthy release
A good thing to do, not a display of weakness
His mom and his dad just say, “Look at you,
Whining and crying and carrying on
Get rid of those tears, go make us proud
Don’t sell drugs like them other kids choose
Get into school like you’ve got something to prove”
He’s got to make a move
Choosin’ right or wrong’s a daily “to-do”
He just stands there snifflin’
Wishin’ things were different
But his best friend’s still gone
And still life moves on.

Bang! A gunshot cracks
Nearly giving heart attacks
Another drive-by, neighborhood under attack
He hears a thud as his body hits the ground
No paramedics around
He looks down to see the blood leaving his veins
Going down like James
A lonely tear leaves his eye
Soon he will die
His life will be gone
And still life moves on.


© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author


Never-ending thoughts, no sleep
Why is everything attacking me suddenly?
Can’t make sense of this world that we’re living in,
Pressure from all sides just telling me to start giving in
To their point of view, who cares if they screw
Me out of my own thoughts and dreams?
They make me want to scream

But nobody hears me
There’s nobody near me
‘Cause nobody hears me
Yet their words still sear me

There’s no way to describe the hurt I feel inside
Because I found out you lied
Why’d you pick him over me
You told me we’d be
Together forever, living out our hopes and dreams
Now I just want to scream

But nobody hears me
There’s nobody near me
‘Cause nobody hears me
Yet your words still sear me

‘Cause nobody hears me
There’s nobody near me
Still everyone fears me
But I don’t care because their words still sear me


© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author



Pain [peyn]

  1. Physical suffering or distress, as due to injury, illness, etc.

  2. A distressing sensation in a particular part of the body

  3. Mental or emotional suffering or torment


Ache, affliction, agony, burn, catch, convulsion, cramp, crick, discomfort, distress, fever, gripe, hurt, illness, injury, irritation, laceration, malady, misery, pang, paroxysm, prick, sickness, smarting, soreness, spasm, sting, stitch, strain, tenderness, throb, throe, tingle, torment, torture, trouble, twinge, wound

That's dictionary.com's definition of "pain" and its synonyms. There are 38 synonyms listed and 3 different uses of the word "pain" and yet, we use just one simple word to sum up all of our hurts, afflictions, ailments, and bothers. What is so strong about the word "pain"? Why is it able to sum up any and all things that may be bothering us in our daily lives? Is it laziness? We are simply too lazy to use a 6 letter word such as "injury"? Maybe it's because the word "pain" more than adequately describes what we feel. When we hear "pain", our mind automatically covers every ailment from the slightest prick or bump all the way up to excruciating agony that a serious accident may cause. Words such as "ailment" only bring thoughts of sickness, and "injury" immediately flashes images of broken bones, serious cuts and burns, and disaster sites. "Pain" is the only word that can cover all these things and more.

So what is pain? Obviously we are all familiar with typical, everyday pains such as bumping into a table, hitting our head, getting a small burn, etc. This type of pain is fairly tangible and understood, even with differing pain tolerances and ways of dealing with pain. What about emotional pain? Or mental pain? These types of pain can neither be measured, nor understood by anyone except who is feeling it. How then, can we use the same word as physical harm? It neither feels the same nor is talked about in the same way. Even the causes of mental and emotional pain are different than physical pain. Physical pain is caused by objects, matter, or waves coming into contact with your body and acting negatively upon you. Mental pain has virtually nothing physical attached to it. It comes from the effects of radical religious believers, from betrayal and harm caused by our loved ones, from the torture of a lover playing with your heart, or from the disappearance of a God we always thought would be there.

There are all kinds of sayings out there relating to pain and overcoming pain. "No pain, no gain," "the strongest will survive," "pain is weakness leaving the body," and the whole idea of natural selection: overcoming pain and suffering because of certain traits you have is beneficial in the end. Sure, there are some good aspects to pain such as it alerting us to things that are wrong within our bodies, but is it really possible to argue that pain is good for you? All these phrases tell us that going through pain is good and the more we go through, the stronger we are and will become…but is this healthy? Between 2003 and 2004 (the most recent data I could find), the suicide rate among young people ages 10-24 jumped nearly 8 percent. Suicide was cited as the 4th most common way to die among young people in 2004, the 11th most common in the United States, and was in the top 3 for males, whites, American Indians, and Asian-Americans. The vast majority of suicides are a direct relation to mental health disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, and others. These forms of mental and emotional pain are behind the one of the top three most common causes of death for a majority of our population and yet, we still spread around phrases praising people for handling their pain and overcoming it by themselves. Yes, they may have accomplished a feat, but shouldn't we be a little more concerned about the people who are not able to overcome the pain by themselves, and who need help, else they become a statistic? Maybe our self-centered, natural selection-obsessed society should try to help ease the pain for people instead of causing more harm through "perfect" airbrushed models, movies that promote the "ideal" man, and inept leadership that seems to create more problems and stress than it fixes (Iraq, Afghanistan, a national debt of more than $12.3 trillion, Social Security, health care, etc.).


© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author