
ERC - Day 5

Wow! Sorry I'm so late today!  Yet another rough day...but I met the 5-day Early Riser Challenge! Despite not getting out of bed until 0800, I was awake at 0700 sharp.  The downside, as I've mentioned before, is that I still have 25 days of this left before my body gets used to it.  Hopefully things get easier, and not harder as they have been.

I'm not sure I have a lot to talk about today...I figured out last night that I'm burning myself out by writing to you guys, writing 750 words right after that, and then writing a page a day at night.  Because I like talking to you guys and I like the format of 750 words, I think I'm gonna stick to those two and give up page per day for a little bit.  If I find I have a lot to say, maybe I'll start doing all three again.

Side note: it's difficult to write to you guys while I'm in class...my professor's voice is kind of distracting, even if I'm not paying any attention to him at all.

Finally...home. Don't know if I've mentioned it lately, but I'm going home tomorrow!  I'll be meeting my mother and heading out in approximately 26 hours...thankfully.  I need a break.  Love my roommates and all, but I need some solitary time, as well as my own bedroom for a couple days.  For some reason, though, every time I go home, it seems like I have to prove myself.  I always have a test or big project or paper or some group thing that I don't wanna do before I get to go home.  This time, I have a bitch of a BLAW test later today and I had an essay due on Sunday which I had to discuss in a workshop on Tuesday.  Always proving myself...the paper and workshop went alright, we'll pray for this BLAW test...

Anyway...I'm done rambling.  Short post with a cloudy mind...hopefully that all made sense again.  Off to write 750 words and pretend to listen to this lecture.


© 2007-2011 Jacob Tauer
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