
ERC - Day 4

One day left to officially complete the Lifehacker Early Riser Challenge!  Unfortunately, that means I still have 26 more days to complete MY Early Riser Challenge.

Today was rough...I just couldn't get to sleep last night and laid awake for probably an hour or hour and a half before I was able to drift off.  Then this morning, I was obviously tired...I woke up at 0700, but I didn't get out of bed until 0745 because our room was so COLD.  It's unbelieveable! There is no moderation with our thermostat, we're either trying to make ice in the living room or we're trying to cook a turkey in the bedrooms! We just can't find that middle spot that keeps the whole place comfortable.  Because I got up so late, I skipped my morning workout and went straight to the shower which, unsurprisingly, was similar to going outside and having snow thrown on you while naked.  Unbelievably great start to my day...we'll see where things go from here.

My head is still quite cloudy so forgive me if none of this is making sense...as I mentioned, I'm still tired and there was no coffee this morning; I was too lazy to make my own pot.

What else...I think that's about it.  Going home for the weekend in approximately 51 hours...trimmed up the goatee slightly, which actually made quite a large difference in how grody it looks.  Still doesn't look great, but better than it was.  Wonder what mom's reaction will be...?  Umm...I dunno.  That's all I've got for now.  I'll try to post a YouTube video or something later to make up for my lack of entertainment ('cause I know you're all always rolling on the floor by the end of the post).  Anyway.....TTFN!


© 2007-2011 Jacob Tauer
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