Today was rough again. I woke up at 0700 when my alarm went off, but I just couldn't keep myself awake. I re-set my alarm for 0745 and ended up laying in bed until 0810, but at least I stayed awake and got up. Went through my routine (pushups and situps are already increasing!!), took a lukewarm shower, grabbed a cup of coffee, and here I am, remarkably clear-headed and feeling pretty good about the day!
I think part of the optimism comes from a solid night of sleep. I found a relaxation app for the iTouch and let me tell ya, 15 minutes into the 27 minute long program, my body was numb and my mind was completely empty. Within 10 minutes of the program ending, I was solidly asleep. I'm still skeptical that I was "hypnotized" or in a "trance" as the app claims, but I was definitely well-relaxed. They claim the best results come from listening to it 21 days straight and then whenever and however often you'd like. Yet another little thing I'm going to add to my day to try to better my life and keep me more relaxed and organized. I might even listen to it twice a day...after all, I complain about having so much free time, why not relax myself once during the afternoon just before I start homework and then once before bed to put me to sleep?
I would like to use this space to make a public statement to cover myself from any and all doubts that others may have when I start doing it. (That sentence made no sense but I don't care.) The Packers and Pack fans get exactly ONE WEEK from last night to celebrate. After that, I don't want to hear it. I WILL tell people to STFU after February 13, 2011 at approximately 2112. It's great that you won, but most other teams would use their week and get back to life. Pack fans are a little messed up in the head...they tend to stretch things out over loooooong periods of time. I'm not letting that happen. I'm already in baseball mode, I'll give everyone else their week and then they need to move on too. The Super Bowl is great and all, but I believe the mark of a truly great team is when you win multiple in a row or 7 out of 8 or whatever the case may be, like the Steelers and Cowboys back in the day. Otherwise, I'll just argue it was a fluke. So celebrate for your week and get over it.
I think that's about it for now...I'm off to write my 750 words and then off to class! Have a great day everyone!
© 2007-2011 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author
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