
Early Riser Challenge - Day 1

If you missed yesterday's post, I'm participating in the Lifehacker Early Riser Challenge.

Day 1....pretty rough.  I woke up a couple times during the night, including once when my roommate got called into work.  Not his fault, obviously, but it made for a rough early morning.  I ended up re-setting my alarm for 8, but when that time rolled around, I was still tired.  I managed to follow the 10-minute rule, which challenges you to stay awake for 10 minutes after you wake up.  If you're still tired, you can allow yourself to go back to sleep (assuming you don't have anything going on!).  Most of the time, however, after 10 minutes, the grogginess goes away for the most part and you're ready to take on the day.  

This was the case for me.  After about 10 minutes, I got up, got down on the floor and did 2 minutes of (unsteady--our carpeting is slippery) push ups and 2 minutes of crunches.  Both numbers were way down from what I was doing just a month or three ago, but that's to be expected when I haven't done anything for 2-3 weeks.  After that, I got online and checked my email and Facebook (oops...not supposed to do that till I get one productive thing done), and then went and took a shower, got dressed etc.  I'm still slightly sleepy, but waking more and more.  I'll definitely be continuing this challenge and, after reading a couple other blogs, I'm going to try it for 30 days, since that's the amount of time needed to make something a habit.

In other news...there's really no other news since less-than-12 hours ago.  One little interesting thought I came up with in the shower...through my dating record, I have dated 1 true blonde, 3 dirty blondes, and 1 brunette. Out of those 5 girls, 2 were softball players, 3 were dancers or former dancers (1 was a softballer and dancer), and 3 had a fairly major interest in horses at some point in her life (2 dancers and a softballer).  No real useful information there, but a strange trend that I found.

The T(hought)O(f)T(he)D(ay) is a song I made up when I saw it snowed last night.  It's to the tune of "Let It Snow."
Oh, the weather outside is snowy,
And the wind is coldly blowing,
And since I've got places to go,
F*** the snow! F*** the snow! F*** the snow!

Slightly inappropriate, but it entertained me :)

That's all I've got for now...I'm off to write my 750 words! (another challenge I started last night...as well as One Page Per Day)


© 2007-2011 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author

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