Sorry about the delayed post but the last few days have been pretty crazy. Sit tight, 'cause it's gonna be a long one.
On Friday night I worked my first ever winter shift and my first ever overnight at the my current job and it was quite an experience. I've never had to deal with ice, snow, and cold while working before, and I'm not used to working past midnight so working until 0400 was quite a stretch for me. I got through it alright, though, and hopefully I'll be able to pick up my tips in the next day or so.
Saturday kept me running. After I got home at 0430, I was up around 1100 so I could help out with "security" at a dance competition with Taylor. Worked there from around 1330-1700 which wasn't horrible, but based on the lack of sleep, I pretty much chugged three Mountain Dews just to stay awake when I got there. Of course, that leads to an upset stomach due to having no food in my system and therefore prolongs my day. As soon as I finished up at the invite, my family and I headed out to Applebees for dinner and then I headed over to Mike's house for a while...which brings me to my next point.
Goodbyes suck. Yesterday I had to, yet again, say goodbye to two good friends as they headed off to their respective colleges. It's not nearly as hard as that first time, but still not easy, especially considering I may not see them until summer, if then (Mike may or may not come back home). Again, this isn't really new, I've gone through it many times with many friends over the last three years, but it's still not a whole lot of fun.
Aaaand back-to-school time again. I knew it was coming, heard people talking about how they can't wait to get back....I'm not ready, so thank goodness I have a week left. In all honesty, if I had more free reign over my life at home, I would live here, or at least in this area, forever. I have no desire to go back to school to live with tons of people, sharing bathrooms, eating crappy food, walking everywhere in the cold, etc. I'd be much happier livin' at home, even if I had to work full-time. At least if I'm working, I'm making money and gaining experience. School is the place where I spend all my money and pretty much stagnate. Sure, I'm working towards a degree, but what does that degree get anyone in the long run? It's not the degree that matters, it's the experience, professionalism, and how you present yourself. So I'm sitting at a school 3 1/2 hours away from home, spending my money, and making no progress toward my career. Awesome. At least it gives me time to figure out my career options since I still haven't figured that one out.
A couple of projects I plan on working on this year: my music database and breaking a couple addictions/habits that I have. With the music database, my hope is to compile information for all artists in my iTunes library, all their albums, and all the songs on those albums. It's going to be a long, time-consuming process (I have 700+ artists), but I think I'll be happy with it in the end...if I ever reach the end. As far as habits and addictions, I'd rather not get too much into them, but one of the ones I'm going to work on hitting HARD is my procrastination and laziness when it comes to school. My brain can't deal with all the stress of doing all my homework the day of or the night before it's due. Wish me luck.
Finally, one project/plan: working out. I've been running quite a bit lately, and I have an Excel spreadsheet that's tracking all kinds of heart rates and miles and paces and how far I have to run to get to the moon and things. Starting today, I'm going to start posting my daily-monthly-yearly mile totals (in that format) at the bottom of the page, just so you all can see how I'm progressing, as well as another thing to hold me accountable to myself and my plan.
A note about my last post's note: This title is NOT made up purely of lyrics. Only "Lucy" is based on lyrics (F*** You Lucy, by Atmosphere), though I'm sure you could fine some decent songs if you Google the rest of the words too.
Thought of the Day: Money is great to have, especially when you work hard and have quite a bit in the bank. However, be careful because that money disappears QUICKLY when you're in college and paying for tuition and books and things. I'm finding this out yet again...thankfully, I had a little more saved up this year due to a better summer.
As Always,
Miles: 0-11-11
© 2007-2011 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author
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