
Saving Society

For a long time I’ve said that political correctness is going much too far. For far too long, we have allowed society to censor us and overprotect us, making the up-and-coming teenagers and kids some of the most over-sensitive, sheltered, and spoiled people in history. Parents have lost the ability to say “no,” the willpower and toughness to actually count to 3 and follow through with a consequence, and the legal right to swat their kid across the ass when they misbehave.

For too long, I have had to check over both shoulders before I make a comment for fear of being sued or shanked. I have (or had) a freedom of speech at one point too, and I Want It Back.

Therefore, as the generation next in line to inherit this world, I think we need to make a list of things we need to do in order to save our society, and then follow through. See it as a form of civil disobedience except, instead of fighting unjust laws; we’re fighting what is wrong in society.

I’ll start the list here and possibly a few other places and keep it updated. Post any ideas you may have and if you successfully do something to further the cause, tell us the story!

Saving Society To-do
•Re-instate spanking for disciplinary use. I was spanked as a child and even swatted with a wooden spoon once and I know many of my friends were as well. All of us turned out fine.
•Toughen up on the people around you. We may not have tough lives in the suburbs but Daddy not buying you a car, iPod, phone, etc. is NOT a reason to throw a temper tantrum. Punishment: one swift backhand. If “Daddy” comments persist, especially with any mention of legal action, follow up with more backhands until the whiner shuts up.
•Tell whatever jokes you want, wherever you want, around whomever you want. If questioned, tell them that you thought the First Amendment applied to all citizens, not just minorities.
oI take no responsibility for any bodily injury, up to and including death, which may befall you due to following this list.

I have a feeling this will not be well-accepted and I will receive a bit of criticism for this, people saying I can’t do this, it’s insensitive. To them, I say this:
Fuck. You. I can say what I damn please because I live in the greatest country in the world. My rights are in writing, included in the Constitution of the United States of America and it is sealed with the blood that has been shed to protect my right to say and do these things. You don’t like how we run things here? GET THE HELL OUT.


© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author

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