For a long time I’ve said that political correctness is going much too far. For far too long, we have allowed society to censor us and overprotect us, making the up-and-coming teenagers and kids some of the most over-sensitive, sheltered, and spoiled people in history. Parents have lost the ability to say “no,” the willpower and toughness to actually count to 3 and follow through with a consequence, and the legal right to swat their kid across the ass when they misbehave.
For too long, I have had to check over both shoulders before I make a comment for fear of being sued or shanked. I have (or had) a freedom of speech at one point too, and I Want It Back.
Therefore, as the generation next in line to inherit this world, I think we need to make a list of things we need to do in order to save our society, and then follow through. See it as a form of civil disobedience except, instead of fighting unjust laws; we’re fighting what is wrong in society.
I’ll start the list here and possibly a few other places and keep it updated. Post any ideas you may have and if you successfully do something to further the cause, tell us the story!
Saving Society To-do
•Re-instate spanking for disciplinary use. I was spanked as a child and even swatted with a wooden spoon once and I know many of my friends were as well. All of us turned out fine.
•Toughen up on the people around you. We may not have tough lives in the suburbs but Daddy not buying you a car, iPod, phone, etc. is NOT a reason to throw a temper tantrum. Punishment: one swift backhand. If “Daddy” comments persist, especially with any mention of legal action, follow up with more backhands until the whiner shuts up.
•Tell whatever jokes you want, wherever you want, around whomever you want. If questioned, tell them that you thought the First Amendment applied to all citizens, not just minorities.
oI take no responsibility for any bodily injury, up to and including death, which may befall you due to following this list.
I have a feeling this will not be well-accepted and I will receive a bit of criticism for this, people saying I can’t do this, it’s insensitive. To them, I say this:
Fuck. You. I can say what I damn please because I live in the greatest country in the world. My rights are in writing, included in the Constitution of the United States of America and it is sealed with the blood that has been shed to protect my right to say and do these things. You don’t like how we run things here? GET THE HELL OUT.
© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author
In Another Life
A question was posed to me the other night that really made me think. “Have you ever wished you could go back and relive your whole life differently?” Because I was chatting with this person, I had to be fairly quick so I generated a somewhat generic, though truthful, response. I said something along the lines of “Yes, but only if I could get back to this point because I’m happy with where I am for the most part.”
As my recurring insomnia kept me up that night, I began to consider what things I would change in my past and where it would put me now. Many of my decisions would change my current life status drastically. I would probably be friends with very different people, my relationship history would be vastly changed, and I would probably be in a different city or state right now. I would erase a lot of pain and hardship, I would avoid situations and lies that got me in a LOT of trouble, etc, etc. Many of these changed aspects would seem to make my life much better and much easier, especially if I had multiple chances to perfect my decisions and choices. I may have found the perfect college for me, may have a lot more money, possibly even my own decent car, I might have a better GPA through high school and college…the possibilities for positives are limitless.
However, after I had entertained this “fantasy” for a while, I also realized three other things were limitless: the number of decisions I could change, the number of “what ifs” that come from each and every decision, and the number of things that could go horribly wrong. I could have dropped out of school, found a very wrong set of friends, gotten into drugs, missed out on relationships, friendly and romantic alike…the list goes on forever. I had to ask myself, am I willing to put myself at risk of losing my dear friends, family, reputation, future?
Personally, I have to say “no.” I simply can’t put all that at risk. It’s a very human behavior to ask “what if?” to look back, to doubt and wonder. But as bad as anyone’s life is, would any person who seriously considers the ramifications be willing to risk everything they have? I know I can’t…I have too much to lose. What do you think?
© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author
As my recurring insomnia kept me up that night, I began to consider what things I would change in my past and where it would put me now. Many of my decisions would change my current life status drastically. I would probably be friends with very different people, my relationship history would be vastly changed, and I would probably be in a different city or state right now. I would erase a lot of pain and hardship, I would avoid situations and lies that got me in a LOT of trouble, etc, etc. Many of these changed aspects would seem to make my life much better and much easier, especially if I had multiple chances to perfect my decisions and choices. I may have found the perfect college for me, may have a lot more money, possibly even my own decent car, I might have a better GPA through high school and college…the possibilities for positives are limitless.
However, after I had entertained this “fantasy” for a while, I also realized three other things were limitless: the number of decisions I could change, the number of “what ifs” that come from each and every decision, and the number of things that could go horribly wrong. I could have dropped out of school, found a very wrong set of friends, gotten into drugs, missed out on relationships, friendly and romantic alike…the list goes on forever. I had to ask myself, am I willing to put myself at risk of losing my dear friends, family, reputation, future?
Personally, I have to say “no.” I simply can’t put all that at risk. It’s a very human behavior to ask “what if?” to look back, to doubt and wonder. But as bad as anyone’s life is, would any person who seriously considers the ramifications be willing to risk everything they have? I know I can’t…I have too much to lose. What do you think?
© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author
Love To Love You
Laying with you beneath the stars
Away from all the cities and lights and cars
Wond’ring why you’ve been hiding from me
I love you for who you are
No one else seems to see what I see
For you’re the most beautiful girl in the world to me
I could never understand
How you picked me to be your man
But I know now how lucky I am
You’re the best that there is
And I dread the thought that I miss
Spending every day with you
Oh, how can it be true
That I’m lucky enough to have you?
Sure, I love my sports,
Yes, I love my friends.
But something else I know is true:
I sure do love to love you
Looking ten years down the road,
I pray I can still call you my own
No matter what they say about love,
Of you I just can’t get enough
A love like ours will last forever
Oh, how can it be true
That I’m lucky enough to have you?
Sure, I love my sports,
Yes, I love my friends,
But something else I know is true:
I sure do love to love you
© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author
Away from all the cities and lights and cars
Wond’ring why you’ve been hiding from me
I love you for who you are
No one else seems to see what I see
For you’re the most beautiful girl in the world to me
I could never understand
How you picked me to be your man
But I know now how lucky I am
You’re the best that there is
And I dread the thought that I miss
Spending every day with you
Oh, how can it be true
That I’m lucky enough to have you?
Sure, I love my sports,
Yes, I love my friends.
But something else I know is true:
I sure do love to love you
Looking ten years down the road,
I pray I can still call you my own
No matter what they say about love,
Of you I just can’t get enough
A love like ours will last forever
Oh, how can it be true
That I’m lucky enough to have you?
Sure, I love my sports,
Yes, I love my friends,
But something else I know is true:
I sure do love to love you
© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author
Why do we give our Presidents so much respect? All they do is spend a ton of money, look good, and make up the most believable, widely accepted lies.
"You're just saying that because you don't like Obama."
Not at all. This applies to all presidents. They spend tons of money on campaigns, and lie to our faces yet we still practically worship them the moment they get elected and sworn in. I don't know about you, but when someone lies to me, I lose a lot of respect for them that they have to EARN back. Yet presidents lie about their policies all the time and we still see them as some higher power. For once, why doesn't someone stand up and say "Hey, you lying, wasteful law school graduate (for that's all most of them are), do something PRODUCTIVE with my tax money instead of sitting on your ass and wasting it away in programs that don't work and approving bills more full of pork barrel projects (which totaled approximately $19.6 billion in 2009) than actual laws and reforms. THEN maybe I'll respect you."
And why don't we, as citizens, take things into our own hands once in a while? I do not promote violence as a method, but why don't we do something more than show our displeasure through polls that simply serve to show the president what points he needs to make in his speeches to make us temporarily happy (see: Obama's State of the Union, January 2010)? People need to stop being so lazy and apathetic about our government and write to their Senators and Representatives. That is, after all, what they are there for. They are elected to serve their constituents, aka you and me. The moment they stop doing that, they should be voted out of office. As John Adams said,
Everyone talks about reforms in the government, especially Congressional reforms, but who is going to start those? Surely you don't think that Congressmen and Congresswomen are going to put restraints on themselves? No, they need pressure and the only people who are not part of the huge scheme are you and me. The President can talk big, but he's not going to do anything to truly tick off Congress. The Supreme Court can only act AFTER the U.S. has gotten the shaft. And Congress...well, we've all seen how effective they are at doing things they don't like.
We can't push this off any longer. Too many of us young voters still think things are going to be fixed for us by the time we "grow up" to be 30 or 40 and the governmental rot will simply disappear. Guess what. Our parents and grandparents did the same thing. Sure, they protested occasionally but they did nothing to actively fix the problems. They just put a bigger band-aid on a growing, infected wound. We need to stop this deadly cycle and we need to do it by being active in the government and knowing the issues. We need to get out and vote EVERY election day, EVERY year. Reform is not going to come from the top and tumble downwards. It needs to start at the very bottom: in our cities, towns, and schools. It needs to grow up to the state positions in the State Legislatures and the Governors. And finally, it needs to hit Congress and the Presidency. The people who are inheriting this country need to become active in its preservation and healing.
To steal another quote from another former president, John F. Kennedy is famous for saying, "And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." Don't wait around for the government to give you what you want through there twisted method of lies, schemes, and waste. Become active. Find out what YOU can do to help our country.
That is, of course, unless you want to inherit a $50 trillion debt by the time any of us can become Senators or President. (Data is most recent found, based on the year 2030,
© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author
"You're just saying that because you don't like Obama."
Not at all. This applies to all presidents. They spend tons of money on campaigns, and lie to our faces yet we still practically worship them the moment they get elected and sworn in. I don't know about you, but when someone lies to me, I lose a lot of respect for them that they have to EARN back. Yet presidents lie about their policies all the time and we still see them as some higher power. For once, why doesn't someone stand up and say "Hey, you lying, wasteful law school graduate (for that's all most of them are), do something PRODUCTIVE with my tax money instead of sitting on your ass and wasting it away in programs that don't work and approving bills more full of pork barrel projects (which totaled approximately $19.6 billion in 2009) than actual laws and reforms. THEN maybe I'll respect you."
And why don't we, as citizens, take things into our own hands once in a while? I do not promote violence as a method, but why don't we do something more than show our displeasure through polls that simply serve to show the president what points he needs to make in his speeches to make us temporarily happy (see: Obama's State of the Union, January 2010)? People need to stop being so lazy and apathetic about our government and write to their Senators and Representatives. That is, after all, what they are there for. They are elected to serve their constituents, aka you and me. The moment they stop doing that, they should be voted out of office. As John Adams said,
"Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it."
Everyone talks about reforms in the government, especially Congressional reforms, but who is going to start those? Surely you don't think that Congressmen and Congresswomen are going to put restraints on themselves? No, they need pressure and the only people who are not part of the huge scheme are you and me. The President can talk big, but he's not going to do anything to truly tick off Congress. The Supreme Court can only act AFTER the U.S. has gotten the shaft. And Congress...well, we've all seen how effective they are at doing things they don't like.
We can't push this off any longer. Too many of us young voters still think things are going to be fixed for us by the time we "grow up" to be 30 or 40 and the governmental rot will simply disappear. Guess what. Our parents and grandparents did the same thing. Sure, they protested occasionally but they did nothing to actively fix the problems. They just put a bigger band-aid on a growing, infected wound. We need to stop this deadly cycle and we need to do it by being active in the government and knowing the issues. We need to get out and vote EVERY election day, EVERY year. Reform is not going to come from the top and tumble downwards. It needs to start at the very bottom: in our cities, towns, and schools. It needs to grow up to the state positions in the State Legislatures and the Governors. And finally, it needs to hit Congress and the Presidency. The people who are inheriting this country need to become active in its preservation and healing.
To steal another quote from another former president, John F. Kennedy is famous for saying, "And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." Don't wait around for the government to give you what you want through there twisted method of lies, schemes, and waste. Become active. Find out what YOU can do to help our country.
That is, of course, unless you want to inherit a $50 trillion debt by the time any of us can become Senators or President. (Data is most recent found, based on the year 2030,
© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author
Life Moves On
Lonely mind, bloodshot eyes
He’d always been told “real men don’t cry”
But why?
He’d discovered it was a healthy release
A good thing to do, not a display of weakness
His mom and his dad just say, “Look at you,
Whining and crying and carrying on
Get rid of those tears, go make us proud
Don’t sell drugs like them other kids choose
Get into school like you’ve got something to prove”
He’s got to make a move
Choosin’ right or wrong’s a daily “to-do”
He just stands there snifflin’
Wishin’ things were different
But his best friend’s still gone
And still life moves on.
Bang! A gunshot cracks
Nearly giving heart attacks
Another drive-by, neighborhood under attack
He hears a thud as his body hits the ground
No paramedics around
He looks down to see the blood leaving his veins
Going down like James
A lonely tear leaves his eye
Soon he will die
His life will be gone
And still life moves on.
© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author
He’d always been told “real men don’t cry”
But why?
He’d discovered it was a healthy release
A good thing to do, not a display of weakness
His mom and his dad just say, “Look at you,
Whining and crying and carrying on
Get rid of those tears, go make us proud
Don’t sell drugs like them other kids choose
Get into school like you’ve got something to prove”
He’s got to make a move
Choosin’ right or wrong’s a daily “to-do”
He just stands there snifflin’
Wishin’ things were different
But his best friend’s still gone
And still life moves on.
Bang! A gunshot cracks
Nearly giving heart attacks
Another drive-by, neighborhood under attack
He hears a thud as his body hits the ground
No paramedics around
He looks down to see the blood leaving his veins
Going down like James
A lonely tear leaves his eye
Soon he will die
His life will be gone
And still life moves on.
© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author
Never-ending thoughts, no sleep
Why is everything attacking me suddenly?
Can’t make sense of this world that we’re living in,
Pressure from all sides just telling me to start giving in
To their point of view, who cares if they screw
Me out of my own thoughts and dreams?
They make me want to scream
But nobody hears me
There’s nobody near me
‘Cause nobody hears me
Yet their words still sear me
There’s no way to describe the hurt I feel inside
Because I found out you lied
Why’d you pick him over me
You told me we’d be
Together forever, living out our hopes and dreams
Now I just want to scream
But nobody hears me
There’s nobody near me
‘Cause nobody hears me
Yet your words still sear me
‘Cause nobody hears me
There’s nobody near me
Still everyone fears me
But I don’t care because their words still sear me
© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author
Why is everything attacking me suddenly?
Can’t make sense of this world that we’re living in,
Pressure from all sides just telling me to start giving in
To their point of view, who cares if they screw
Me out of my own thoughts and dreams?
They make me want to scream
But nobody hears me
There’s nobody near me
‘Cause nobody hears me
Yet their words still sear me
There’s no way to describe the hurt I feel inside
Because I found out you lied
Why’d you pick him over me
You told me we’d be
Together forever, living out our hopes and dreams
Now I just want to scream
But nobody hears me
There’s nobody near me
‘Cause nobody hears me
Yet your words still sear me
‘Cause nobody hears me
There’s nobody near me
Still everyone fears me
But I don’t care because their words still sear me
© 2007-2010 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author
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