
True Friends

→ someone who can’t stand you being gone
→ someone who patiently waits for you to finish talking about cheating with another friend who interrupted you, then continue your conversation as if there were no interruption
→ someone who gives you Spanish answers every day just because you give him or her mints
→ someone you can “talk” to with expressions and hand signals
→ someone you know better than their own family
→ someone to whom you show your “true colors”
→ someone who doesn’t know your birthday and it doesn’t bother you
→ someone whose birthday you never want to miss
→ someone you say “hi” to no matter where you are or who you’re with
→ someone who you immediately look for at football games, lunch, dances, etc.
→ someone who actually cares about your problems and tries to help you with them
→ someone who goes through your stuff, sheds their BRIGHT RED HAIR all over, then denies it
→ someone who supports your dream to become a cheerleader
→ someone who will admit that they didn’t plan on liking you, it just happened after a while
→ someone who will randomly start a band just because you’ve always wanted to play bass guitar
→ someone who will take weird pictures of themselves for your photography project
→ someone who always encourages you in everything
→ someone who would insist it’s not that bad getting semi-boiling hot chocolate on you as long as it’s “fun”
→ someone who tells you a smurfin’ story about how Smurfette smurfed them in the smurfin’ parking lot. Smurf on.
→ someone who can pretend they’re talking to you about something serious and end with, “she needs to stop making fun of Garth Brooks every time she hears him.”
→ someone you are afraid to disappoint
→ BBH. That’s all there is to say
→ someone who will sit around after school to “lift”, then decide it’s not worth it
→ someone who is schizophrenic, denies it, then later agrees with you
→ someone you write a comment to that is supposed to include one memory but ends up including dozens
→ someone with whom you can have more than three topics going in six different e-mail messages
→ someone you always look forward to seeing
→ someone you just hang out with for the heck of it
→ someone that you joke about hating all the time, to their face
→ someone you would risk your life for
→ someone you don’t want to lose, no matter what
→ someone you dedicate a full AIM “buddy info” page to
→ the people who take up ¾ of your heroes list
→ someone who forgives you for running them over, even if you didn’t mean to
→ someone who makes sure you’re late for just about every class of the day
→ someone who you’re still texting 30 minutes after you decide you’re going to bed
→ someone who will sit onine after they said they were leaving because you’re babbling on and on meaninglessly
→ someone who is proud of you when you find all the grammatical errors
→ someone you are proud to refer to as your friend
→ the people you consider your brothers and sisters no matter how ridiculous that may be based on biology
→ the people who this includes but comes nowhere near to completely describing
To my dear, true friends.


© 2007 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author. 

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