
Musical Therapy

Country evokes memories of summers past, time spent with family and friends, and reminds you of that special love you have for that certain someone. Country is the old dog you grew up with, that childhood infatuation with the prettiest girl in town; it's dinners with the family, it's gathering around the TV for a movie with your close friends. Country is what you listen to when you're fishing, at a bonfire, or hanging out, doing nothing in particular. Country is your day-to-day life but, at the same time, it's also those big moments that stick with you forever. Country provides you with the words you couldn't find and it always seems to fit your situation perfectly. Country can paralyze you with emotion or it can give you the strength and courage to do something you never thought possible.

Rock, metal, etc. is a releasing genre. It typically doesn't come with too many memories but when you listen to rock, you can feel, deep within your chest, all kinds of emotions jumping around inside you. Listening to rock the way it should be, with headphones blaring and playing along, allows all those emotions to release via the release of energy. Somehow, even though you are releasing energy, rock also seems to have many of the same effects as endorphins: creation of energy from nothing and a feel-good feeling when you're done.

Rap is good for when you're pissed off, drunk, or want to dance. That's about it…but it has its place too.


© 2007-2009 Jacob Tauer
This information is not to be used in any form, online or off, without the express permission of the author

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